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Surviving Father’s Day After Separation or Divorce

Father’s Day weekend is swiftly approaching. If you are recently divorced or separated or currently involved in legal proceedings, Father’s Day this year will likely be different and may serve as a reminder of how much your life has changed. While the day may be emotional and challenging, you can still make the most of the holiday. In this article, we will give mothers and fathers tips for navigating Father’s Day.

Father’s Day Tips for Divorced Dads

Even if Father’s Day weekend looks different this year, you can still enjoy the weekend; different doesn’t have to mean awful. Here are some tips to help you enjoy Father’s Day even after divorce.

  • Process and accept your emotions. You may be angry or bitter or even sad, and while you should take time to understand and healthily process your emotions, remember today is a celebration. Rather than wallow in your negative emotions, focus on the good parts of the day and your kids.
  • Plan ahead. Your custody agreement should outline what days you get to spend time with your kids. Review your custody agreement and consider coordinating with your child’s other parent. If you will not be with your kids, you can ask if you can video chat or call them at some point, and if you will have time with them, you can plan ahead to reduce stress and confusion.
  • Communicate with the other parent. If you will not have time with your kids on Father’s Day, your co-parent may be willing to trade weekends or send pictures. Even if you will have custody of your children over Father’s Day weekend, your co-parent may still appreciate getting updates or photos throughout the weekend.
  • Create new traditions. Even though this year will be different and you may not be able to complete the same traditions, you can start new ones, which can be just as fun.
  • Embrace stepfathers. If your ex has introduced a new partner or remarried, it may be difficult to share the day with them. However, remember the day is supposed to be a celebration and your kids have more than enough love for the both of you. Whether they are spending the day with them or with you, you can both have a special day.

Coping Tips for Divorced Moms | Father’s Day Without Dad

If your children aren’t spending Father’s Day with their dad, they may struggle with his absence. Here are some tips for helping you all survive the holiday weekend.

  • Be honest with your kids about Father’s Day post-divorce. The first Father’s Day after divorce can be difficult—every holiday or anniversary after divorce is. To help your children cope with the holidays, you should be honest about what the day will look like and what changes they can anticipate.
  • Help your children plan something. Your traditions or plans may have changed, but you can help your kids make new traditions or plans for Father’s Day. Ask them if they have gift ideas or want to plan an activity to surprise their dad with via Zoom on Father’s Day.
  • Avoid introducing a new partner. While when you start dating and how you tell your kids about a new partner is entirely up to you, Father’s Day or holidays may not be the best time to bring a date or new partner to activities or home.
  • Accept the emotions of the day. Just as you are grieving your relationship and sense of normalcy, your kids are too. They may be sad or frustrated as they struggle to accept how their lives are changing. Instead of trying to fix them or their feelings, help them healthily process them.
  • Do something special. Regardless of whether their father will be able to spend the day with them or video chat, you can still make the day special in some way (i.e. going out to dinner, spending time with family or friends, etc.).

Get Legal Help

At William Kirby Law, Family Law Attorneys, we exclusively handle family law matters. With over 20 years of experience, our attorney is equipped to help clients with a wide variety of child custody issues, such as filing for custody, establishing paternity, or modifying an existing agreement. Once you retain our services, we can help you:

  • Understand your legal rights and options
  • Understand the laws governing your case
  • Draft a custody agreement and time-sharing plan that benefits you and your family

To schedule a case evaluation, complete this form or call (215) 515-9901 today.
